Evolutionary Women

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From: Bonnie Kelley
Date: Saturday, November 6, 2010, 1:49 PM
Subject: A Virtual Women's retreat!
Reply to: 271104
ID: 271105

Dear Sisters: I just finished listening to and participating In An hour long phone call hosted by Elizabeth Debold at Enlightennext where she was setting the sacred Space For a virtual Women's retreat coming up next weekend, November 13/14. It is called Women Forging the Future, based On the revolutionary principles and perspectives of Evolutionary Enlughtenment.

I like the title--- as many of you probably will because that's What we've been doing together for a few years -- forging! Please check it Out in greater depth if you are called. I know this group-- Because I attended their first women's retreat and they are deeply Integrated and committed. Contact Mary Adams at 413-637-6079 or email her at madams@enlightenNext.org Thanks so much for everything you are all doing! Or go to:

www.andrewcohen.org/retreats/Womens-seminar-10.asp ALWAYS STAYING AWAKE WITH YOU! Bonnie Kelley

--- On Fri, Nov 5, 2010, in msg271104, Andrea Hylen wrote ---

Hello Evolutionary Women!

I have started broadcasting a Blog Talk Radio Show called Living on the Edge. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/livingontheedge The show is a public forum twice a month between Kathryn Yarborough and myself. We realized that the private Skype conversations we were having could benefit other people who are feeling the extremes of Living a conscious life. If you go to the site and subscribe, you will receive updates. I am considering doing another show on that site during the holidays. I am a Grief Transformation Guide who uses personal grief experience to help others feel, heal and transform their lives. After I wrote an article about helping a child grieve the loss of a sibling, it came to me to read some of the articles I have written and open the call to more sharing.

I would love to have links to your radio shows. Reply to this message for all to see and/or send the links to me OpentoInspiration@gmail.com. I will collate in a few weeks and send in one message listing. I am excited to connect and support my sisters.

Evolving and emerging on planet earth, Andrea
