Evolutionary Women

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From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Monday, February 7, 2011, 10:21 AM
Subject: An update on us
Reply to: 271526
ID: 271530


Thank you for incredible support and for sharing. There is an opportunity for us to hold each other. To share resources, if we have them. To hold each other in prayer and believe in one another. I know that I will move through to the other side and I will reach a hand to help others cross the bridge.

We are wayshowers in here.

Blessings, Andrea

--- On Mon, Feb 7, 2011, in msg271526, Judith Watson wrote ---

Dear All,

In light of what Andrea's going through, I am thinking an update on the Tom and Judith saga might be helpful. I haven't done so sooner because nothing has felt resolved. But as I think about it, that is not exactly the case.

First of all, thank you so much to those of you who reached out when I wrote, whether it was in thought, word, or deed. Laura Mack, you are a Trip--in the very best sense of the word! :-)

I did end up being fired, but not until December, not quite a month after the birthday that made Tom eligible for Social Security. We've never had an intention of collecting Social Security until we're at least 90; nonetheless the timing is divine. During the seven months while we waited for the shoe to drop, I faced fear in many forms, which is exactly what I believe we're now called upon to do. (God bless your process, Andrea!) I finally realized that what follows is not just healing, but liberation. The cocoon no longer serves.

Meanwhile, circumstances took us to a Unitarian Universalist church where Tom had two opportunities to speak, once at a Freethinkers Forum and one sermon, either or both of which you can listen to at UUSrq.com. His name is Tom Hemphill, and you'll need to use their Search option to find the talks. He is truly an Evolutionary man! :-) But what matters about that for us is that he came into his own. I could almost see the transformation happening before my very eyes, like air being blown into a balloon.

We're now being called, I believe, to move to Orlando, exactly why I don't yet know, except that Tom has 4 sons there providing the excuse. We are leaving heaviness and going toward light is my sense of it, and I pray that is true for the entire planet as well. But whatever we are leaving involves loss, which is why I believe Andrea is exactly on target to be assisting with the grieving process.

As Tiny Tim so succinctly put it, "God bless us, every one!" as we go through this time.

Love to all, Judith
