Evolutionary Women

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From: Bonnie Kelley
Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011, 6:17 PM
Subject: Thoughts about Support
Reply to: 271542
ID: 271546

OMGoodness... Karen what an actualized response you wrote here about the collective evolution we are all experiencing as we relate to Andrea's brave heart expressing itself so openly and with such textured reality (and LaVonne thank you too for following Karen's comments.) Yes. A wayshower. I dearly love that. She is breaking down-- no I correct myself: she is walking through them or over them like Jesus walked on water- --- these barriers that are all dressed up in their fancy garb and false illusions and ancient labrinth-like conditioned projections-- they make me literally shudder especially in contrast to the words you are saying below Karen. What you refer to is the new reality, heaven on earth. We have to live it --as that heavenly reality-- knowing it is THAT even if it seems not to be. I too believe in Andrea. I only see her Truth. I bow to her willingness to step into the muddy pool of chaos and stand resolute... another Bible story comes up for me: Daniel in the Lion's Den. Good ole Daniel was thrown in there with that lion and guess what? OY. OM. He was not eaten. Andrea is calling it's "Bluff"... to the controlling ego-mind that tries to continue convincing us WE CAN'T MAKE IT. No, not so fast --Not on Andrea's watch. Or Karen's watch. Or LaVonne's watch. Or Bonnie's watch. Not us. We are Evolutionary Women and we get what is really going on. This is our blessed precious tender-hearted exalted opportunity to know the truth together. Remember our Everywoman's Bazaar!! Remember how we felt with our wares gloriously displayed as we danced to Carly Simon? Oh how I love you all. To be in this group, to be able to journey with Andrea --and all of you. This is why I am on the planet at this time. I am here now so that I have the chance to say:Thank you. I appreciate you all. I am learning so much. Bonnie

With everything in my heart singing out... I say I love you. Bonnie

--- On Tue, Feb 8, 2011, in msg271542, Karen Porter wrote ---

Greetings Wonderful Women!

I am moved to share some thoughts about support. After Andrea's first blog post (and one tiny reference to it on Facebook), I called her and encouraged her to spread a wider net so more people could be given the opportunity to support her.

After her blog with the 'easy' button for donations, I sent one with no expectations other than being happy to support a sister. I was surprised and delighted when I received a "Day One- Gratitude" post from her and yesterday brought a "Day Two" post.

This wonderful woman was moved to create ritual and give support to all of us who are helping her. She sets specific intentions for each day. She is weaving a customized, as spirit moves her, evolving energetic support for us. WOW.

When we light a candle in a church, we give a donation. When we ask for a mass to be said, we make a donation to the church. We give donations for blessings and ceremonies. It is an exchange of energies. I love that this process has evolved from Andrea's call for support. I love that what she began with the book process, the altar, the ritual, is continuing now for creating a new chapter in her life. I love that I am a beneficiary of her faith and love.

How many years have we been saying that we create our realities? How long have we been talking about the shift to new economies and structures? Andrea is living the shift. Her living it 'out loud', talking about it is stirring up a lot. A dear friend who believes in Andrea voiced fear for her, saying that 'people don't get paid for what Andrea does'. As long as we live within these beliefs and with these fears, that will continue to be our reality.

I know Andrea is a wayshower. I know that she is living the edge we have anticipated. I know that most of us are having HUGE issues to deal with, whether it be health, family or finances, and for some of us all areas are being taxed. I think that the only way we can all get to the other side is to end the silence and ask for the help we need. Fear and shame stop everything- growth, action, creation and love.

I believe in Andrea more than I believe in myself. And, I own that. And I am doing EFT around complete self love and acceptance and confidence.

Thank you for the space to voice these thoughts. Blessings.

