Evolutionary Women

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From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Monday, March 14, 2011, 12:50 PM
Subject: Cosmic Astrology Teleseminar Event with Lucky Sweeny
ID: 271713

Hello Dear Sisters!

I have so much to share with you. Stay tuned for a blog or a list of all of the things I learned during the eviction process. We are still in the apartment. I was able to generate the money to stay here.

For now, I have two things to share with you . Lucky Sweeny and I have co-created an event.

1. Does anyone have an affiliate link for instant teleseminar? We are going to use that service for now and we would like to support someone in this group by signing up with their link so they receive a flow of money. Send an e-mail to me AHylen@mac.com with the link. We are signing up in 24 hours to begin to work with the details.

2. http://cosmicawakenings2011.com/ with registration information.

The Teleseminar Event is:

Cosmic Awakenings: Towards 2012

Spring Equinox 2011

What's Up in the Stars for You? A teleseminar decoding the current astrology trends with Lucky Sweeny Certified Astrology Professional

Hosted by Andrea Hylen

Wednesday March 23 2011

5 PM PT/8 PM ET 75 minutes

registration: only $27 (Includes download of audio recording)

We would love to have you join us!