Evolutionary Women

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From: Lucky Sweeny
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 7:57 AM
Subject: Cosmic Awakenings Spring Equinox 2011
ID: 271723

note:  Andrea and I were just about to 
send this message out when the Earthquake hit
Japan.  Like us all, I was so shaken and was derailed
for a few days. I know we are all  in spirit with the people of Japan
at this time and sharing our Love and Light and Caring. 
Uranus is the planet of "unexpected results" "radical  newnewness", "awakenings"
disaster is not nature of Uranus and sometimes it is the unexpected resurlts 
of a spontaneous energetic surge.

we hope you can join us in this deeper discussion of these stellar influences.  lucky 
Cosmic Awakenings 2011
Radical Newness has Arrived
The outer planet Uranus has just begun an 84 year cycle 
that signals the planetary awakening, 
a new  consciousness for all of humanity. 
We are birthing a new world and
You are an integral part of this process
"Awake Beloved One, You are the Light of the World"
In this  series, each season, you will find enlightening information 
about the cosmic energies of the stars 
along with strategies and practices which will assist you 
in your own personal evolution  and the evolution of the Planet. 
No knowledge of astrology is required.
Cosmic Awakenings 2011 moving to 2012
Spring Equinox
What's Up in the Stars for You?
A  Teleseminar
decoding the current astrology patterns
and their meaning for you.
with Lucky Sweeny
Certified Astrology Professional 
Hosted by Andrea Hylen 
Wednesday March 23 2011
 5 PM PT/8 PM ET
 75 minutes
The teleseminiar will include: 
 An interpretation of the astrological trends for Spring 2011 on the path to 2012
A message for each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac
A complete Audio recording for all registered participants.
You do not have to be present on the call to receive the recording
the link to the recording will be sent to all registered participants 
registration for the Spring Event: only  $27 
To Register and for more information:
