Bridge Across Consciousness

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2007, 8:37 PM
Subject: Bridge Across Consciousness
ID: 258462


Just wanted to mention -- that this little "Bridge" project seems to be emerging in some new ways...

There's about 7 people on this mailing list, who somehow managed to get connected -- and it feels like this thing has a lot of life-force...

We put this network on "LightPages" -- because this is where we're doing our "circle-generation" stuff at the moment.

And today -- I did put up a new internet domain for this project -- where I expect to stick a lot of new files and documents and books I've been scanning...


I like this Uroboros....

He (she) is pretty -- and so elegant and graceful. And those lovely green and gold scales -- why, those are perfect metaphors for the LEVELS of consciousness and concepts that this is all about....

You DID know that consciousness is distributed over a spectrum, didn't you? Ken Wilber wrote a book by that title ("The Spectrum of Consciousness") -- and we'll be filling in a lot of the blanks, with any kind of grace at all...

Thanks - and peace....