Love Radiance Intention

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From: S´ace G root
Date: Friday, April 18, 2008, 11:11 PM
Subject: The Way of the Wizard
Reply to: 263093
ID: 260529

wow co*stance - what a nice reading you present to me/us ...

while being in the radiance mood i wanna express this message as a tribute of the Lunar Wizard Year ... which is an intention field to sharpen the years focus in a Dreamspell - game where many souls re-digest their frequencies which according new insights really matter from there voices speaking and thereby maintaining their specifique uniqueverse & adds by weaving ...

The wizard enchants ... by applying the power of timelessness ... sensing the essences of receptivity ... whereas the Lunar tone gives taste to what a challenge can be ...

The Day of April 19 ... i lake to weave here with another language ... KIN 61 - Roter Solarer Drache

~ Nährende Kräfte umsorgen den Lebensprozess; Tag für Entscheidungen! ~

(GERM-any:) has another sound than the anglosakson words provide - after all ...

Tag für Entscheidungen: A day to make up the Mind ...

(or is here a german member that can more precisely express this spell?)

NaMasté S'ace

nb. to those who are not in the mood for "a dreamspell", iwould suggest this as a catalyser:
"Wisdom is alive and therefore always unpredictable."

consider any spell as a practice to flow beyond any meaning ...

--- On Fri, Apr 18, 2008, in msg263093, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

Greetings to EveryOne!

Here is another excerpt from Deepak Chopra's, The Way of the Wizard:

Wisdom is alive and therefore always unpredictable.

Order is another face of chaos, chaos is another face of order.

The uncertainty you feel inside is the doorway to wisdom.

Insecurity will always be with the quester--- he continues to stumble but never falls.

Human order is made of rules. The wizard’s order has no rules---it flows with the nature of life.

Small details of nature would often catch Merlin’s eye, and in them he could see lessons. One day when he and Arthur were walking in the woods, they heard a jaybird scolding them from a nearby pine tree.

“Stop and look,” Merlin said quietly.

The jay was a nervous, erratic bird. After chattering at the two intruders, it flew to another branch for a better view, then after a few seconds grew dissatisfied and flew to a third. Next it apparently forgot that they were there and hopped to the ground to investigate a pinecone. In a matter seconds it splashed in a small pool, chased away a gray wren, and started pecking at a piece of rotten bark.

“What do you think of that as a way of life?” asked Merlin. “Very little,” replied Arthur. “He acts like a brainless featherball with no idea what to do next.” “So it appears whenever a creature lives solely trusting in God,” Merlin said. “It spends its days following one careless impulse after another with no thought to the future, and yet it gets along well enough, you have to admit.”

The ego must examine its fears and stop trying to control. That is one huge part of the quest you are on. If you can accept the flow of life and give in to it, you will be accepting what is real. Only when you accept what is real can you live with it in peace and happiness. The alternative is a struggle that will never end because it is a struggle with the unreal, with a mirage of life instead of life itself.

Happy Love Radiance Intention Weekend...Let the love energy pour forth!

