Love Radiance Intention

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From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 6:50 AM
Subject: Quarte III to IV mcro-shift
Reply to: 263109
ID: 260555

According an UR rune codon vision psi-waving this white lunar wizard year ...

we are about to change for the quarter III to IV ...

which may call for a focus on those 2 13 weeks working on the noossphere that guides us ...

the IIIth Q was labeled as The Cosmic Order Enlightening Space; quided by codon 35, Mind Expanding ...

"Here are the sublimal information units that establish the structure of a higher operating order of reality, the mind expanding noossphere"

from week 39 to 40 we shift from Q3 to Q4 - IV:

"The Principle of Dynamic Construction Evolves Space" guided by codon 43: Indomitable


"There is a sense of a tremendous creative energy surging through us. We know that we can - and that we will - accomplish the great work of engineering the noospheric field into the New Reality."

Have a Good MicroShift ... exercising the BiggOne ;-)

s'ace - a bivid biovoiding