Love Radiance Intention

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From: Rita Khanna
Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 10:44 AM
Subject: Earth Rainbow
Reply to: 263117
ID: 260559

Thanks Bruce for forwarding the message from Earth Rainbow Network. It sure is a powerful message which can only benefit us. Patrice Diane has written the message very well which I know when practiced, it works. I will look forward to be part of the meditations in the next three sundays.

Thanks Rita

--- On Mon, Apr 21, 2008, in msg263117, Bruce Schuman wrote ---


I got this message a couple of days ago, from Jean Hudon and the Earth Rainbow Network. Just thought the wording and vision was very powerful and interesting....

Coming to this world at this space-time juncture to experience the extraordinarily unique circumstances of this changing of era is a most unique privilege as we are all being offered an opportunity few souls have experienced so far on this planet. Not only is the whole universe watching, but Creator-Source Itself is gazing through our very souls and anticipating what is already manifested in the Eternal Now. Words cannot adequately describe a feeling that must be experienced to be truly understood, and so we can only offer hints and conceptual approximations to help you prepare for what is coming. Yet, rest assured that when the Moment comes, you will be spontaneously guided from within to reach the appropriate level of "innertunement" necessary for the transition from duality consciousness to Oneness Consciousness to take place.

What can only be described as a complete fusion with All That Is, a melting of souls into a universal sense of Being One, will soon occur on a planetary scale. The emotional jump-point threshold that is gradually being reached as humanity approaches critical velocity in its collective ascension is being carefully prepared through a choreography of individual and global circumstances of such an intricate complexity that aeons of incremental preparations were required for the cauldron of inner remembrance and alignment with Divine Will to be stirred into perfect readiness. Yet, one critical element is still missing... The Oneness That Knows and Speaks to us when our mind is still and our Inner Voice is allowed to rise to our consciousness level must be given full, unconditional control over our Sense of Self so as to begin the healing process and bridge the chasm of separation that keeps us apart from each other and from Who We Are. Once enough beings have achieved the pioneering task of initiating the minimum level of Oneness Awareness - or "Onareness" -,they will act as stepping-stones enabling multitudes of souls to likewise feel within themselves the growing "I AM ONE" horus reverberating through the spiritual ethers and eventually connecting all living souls as one single living, breathing, Omniversal, Omnisentient Presence...

Participating to this global healing is a matter of Choice. Just as Love, as a spiritual energy, must be invited to radiate through us its shining beauty, one must make the conscious decision to open the door leading to the far edge of what embodied souls can accomplish. The infinite potency of our thoughts endowed with the same creative powers as the Source of All can be fully activated only when our little will chooses to align itself with the Highest Will of All That Is, in the same manner photons of light align themselves in the same direction to cocreate the powerfully focused effect of a laser beam. And the key for such an alignment to succeed and reach perfectly synchronous radiance is the emotional burst of Love that explodes through our soul like a supernovae once we let go of any and all pretenses of being anything else than One!... So just remember, when you will be joining your beloved brothers and sisters participating like you in this momentous Symphony of Oneness this Sunday and the coming three other Sundays, at the usual local time, synchronize your sense of self with all the other ones through simply absorbing/contemplating/being the meaning of "I AM ONE", and allow this merging of souls to proceed till you are One, and, as One, broadcast far and wide this Perfect Vibration, for the Highest Good of One...

This whole Meditation Focus has been archived for your convenience at
