Love Radiance Intention

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From: Jane Apostolos
Date: Sunday, May 18, 2008, 10:15 AM
Subject: LRIG Experience VII--The Spiritual Strategist
Reply to: 263625
ID: 261064

Greetings & Namaste everyOne,

Verronika replied: ..."isn*t it that in the original ones the stove is in the middle/the fire is the heart?/in the heart/burning back to source... through the central sun ."

As I was meditating this morning a similar thought came to me as being a part of the heavenly infinite Christ Intelligence. How each of us are like the outlets of the burner in a gas stove. With numerous diminutive holes through which the flames of the One flame is expressed. How we are just but little flames emanating from the One Big Flame of life. Beneath all the minuscule jets of each life is One Life; within the flowers, the trees, the waterfalls, behind all nature; the One/Love.

Namaste & Peace...may we all walk the path to [it].


--- On Sun, May 18, 2008, in msg263625, Verronika Walch wrote ---

dear S*ace...

oh yes

the double rr

once a typo

i left it as it felt wonderful as you wrote earthly...

last times i am called vero by others

seems from the latin source interesting

the more truth the more vero?!?!

I love your GER

do you already live in there?

isn*t it that in the original ones the stove is in the middle

the fire is the heart?

in the heart

burning back to source... through the central sun

and i often see myself weaving

and de*weaving

sorry i could not make the pic smaller!!!!


to }}*{{ s'ace and all the ones around

vero * ni*KA

--- On Sun, May 18, 2008, in msg263622, SĀ“ace g root wrote ---

A L O H A ... dear KA ...

good to hear from you wherever you are inter & transco*necting as Ver*onika Walch ...

i see with my "R":

"There are no ancient symbols without a deep and philosophical meaning attached to them."

then i saw your name with 1 and 2 R's ...

the 2 R's may be linked to your Earthly vessel ... and the 1 R is linked to us and to the Earthe core as well as the Hunab'Ku ...

as i understand your In La'kech greet when WalZing ... a Last TanGo ...

thanks for the beautiful curtains in a refined touch of rainbow colours ...

to all my br'others & sisters weaving our specimen

}}*{{ s'ace

in-formation & energy are a perpetuum mobile

--- On Sun, May 18, 2008, in msg263621, Verronika Walch wrote ---

dear ones...

one of the elementary things these days is

all by intent

*to give all the energies back to those person or things that you still carry from anybody or anything else

(if you say your intention you may say: all the energies that belong to anybody or anything else go back now cleaned by the violett flame or golden light or whatever you use

and then fill the places immediately with violetgoldensilverblue light)

*to take all your energies back to yourself

that may be with anyone whom you were/are connected in your life (this life)

it is very interesting where some of those energies still are

if there are names that flow into your mind - please do this with this or that more intensively...

if you do this every time before you come back entering your own housing place

you will feel a lot lighter

and newer physical things will be healed mostly very quick....

older ones may take a bit longer

this energy - take - and - give - back is part of the NAMASTE


for me

as if i am the other you i take care of both of us in not carrying your energy and not letting you carry my energy...

living laughing love



