Love Radiance Intention

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From: Constance Hall-Orman
Date: Sunday, May 25, 2008, 8:27 AM
Subject: Soul Families be*ing a Group
ID: 261387


i was thinking ...

i know ... i should be silent ... whoops!

another thought slips ...

set to pondering ... another, and the thought arrives ...

safely ... whew!

i'm responsible for this ... better slow down ...

too many, thoughts ... going this way and that ... fleeting forms ...

due to arrive any minute ...

how can i contain them all ...

better stop ...

better get to cleaning ...

making room for the essential ones ...

ah, but if it wasn't for the pondering ...

the constant thinking ...

purity ... becomes a mission ...

for if they take form eventually ...

i'll be ready to receive them ...

so much brighter ...

the impact more graceful ...

the effect more dynamic ...

the force more powerful ...

soul families arriving ...

we are be*coming ...

our soul group ...

a*rising ...

in ...