Love Radiance Intention

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From: Ram Varma
Date: Sunday, June 1, 2008, 10:56 AM
Subject: Uniquely Experiencing Life
ID: 261519

Hi all Beautiful Souls,

On my return after a short interval from our GRN/Light-Pages, I see a tremendous exchange of varied themes taking place. And am I glad to note that they are all interconnected with the deep essence that we all are. As an extension of the same intrinsic message, I wanted to share; through this post; the soul-searching that we all occasionally do during the course of our lives. And this aspect I am approaching through uniquely experiencing our human experiences/situations from two primary perspectives:

1. From the perspective of an ordinary human being where body-mind-intellect has the predominance over the 'Spirit' presence in the total human being. And experiencing as such is generally done in that mode. Egoistic tendencies; without being aware of them; are the threshhold of this persepective. Naturally this mode will have its inherent instincts connected with attachment, fear, insecurity,anger, judgmental behavior, closed-mindedness, lack of appreciation and the repeated temptation to derive satisfaction from an over-indulgence in the material attractions..etc.

2. From the perspective of a spiritual being having human experiences in the human body. In this perspective, the 'Spirit' is the Sovereign Lord and the Highest Self in the body. And it is said to be the one who is the Witness and the Approver/director/guide, the Supporter and the Experiencer. Its naturalness is experienced in peace, love, freedom, mutual self-respect, openness, unlimitedness and joy...etc.

From one's unique experiencing in day to day life's experiences, one can easily see that the main point being shared here is to be alert and not to limit our awareness to physical, emotional and intellectual levels only. Although as physical beings we are manifestations of the spirit we need to be careful to always remember that we are in reality the source of what we seemingly appear to be. If we do not do that there is a danger of being lost in the temporal world and its temporal experiences. We are in fact the experiencers of joy, love, freedom and peace. Who or what is that which experiences all these beautiful gifts of our lives. This awareness is technically called spiritual/universal awareness and it has been one of our major themes at the GRN/Light-Pages. This universal awareness does not downgrade the physical vehicles we have; rather it humbly uses this vehicle to fulfill life's aspirations but not to be attached to them. It can also be called the perspective #2 (as identified above) associated with infinite joy and love, but also being free (from expectations) or 'detached involvement' at the same time.

In this regard, it may also be quite appropriate to quote Mahatma M. K. Gandhi as follows:

" God resides in our hearts. If we could learn to gently remove within us the common understanding that we are just a body, we could see God face to face".

The primary essence of this post is to emphasize that we need to understand that we are essentially spiritual beings and we are here to do, to love, to share and grow through such common human experiences. We are here to gently use the vehicle of body, senses, mind and intellect to have these human experiences. And always remembering that there is within us an innate vitality, awareness and a patient presence inviting us into a larger experience of who and what we really are. Every experience or our response to an experience in life is an invitation to awaken our reality-who we really are.

Having endeavored to explore the vitality of the truth (as is) from the above mentioned two scenarios, I still embrace in my own silences the often Self-conversation on the following lines:

" Don't tell me in big flower words that my highest potential is to be free, aware and blissful. I want to know how I can truly understand and empower myself against all my weaknesses, strengths, thoughts and emotions amidst my daily chaos. I want to know how I can make a man of me that you and I can be proud of. I want to know how I can respond to all the situations particularly the tough ones and still maintain my dignity and remain harmonious. I want to know who I can manifest all my aspirations and still remain level-headed and sated in this splendid world of ours."

All the time, the spontaneous answer flows and says: "Always remember who you are (i.e. perspective #2) and do all the things you are invited to do from this mode. Then leave it alone for the Universe to orchestrate its dance as it deems appropriate".

We can identify with our own perspective (s)and the areas we may need to concentrate for developing the perspective transformation. So that we can bring forth changes; if we so like; in our responses to the current life's experiences/situations. You may like to find them out in your own silent introspection and share your experiences as such with the members for further authentic dialogues/strengthening, if you so please.

In a recent group environment, we individually recalled our own live experiences and subjected them to the above mentioned perspectives. We were amazed to realize what a great potential lies right in front of us and right within our capacities. Just a shift in perspective can shift the qulaity of life in so many ways.


With lots of Love and Best Wishes....Ram