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From: David Perlmutter
Date: Saturday, August 2, 2008, 9:23 AM
Subject: Graduation
Reply to: 263183
ID: 263185

We all looked forward to the valedictorian speech and most of us that were not in the limelight were able to rest. We did not have any rouble-rouzing like they do at more formidable graudations, but it was very exciting, nonetheless. I had not earned a thing, I had not done anything exciting, but the grades I received were far more worthy than I deserved. I was a junkyard dog receiving almost a perfect record, for what!

What was most memorable about school was attending with those who far surpassed my intelligence, ie. Lenny Ross, Danny Alderson, Larry Kanner, and even those who ended up using their math skills in hotels like Mr. Tapper. Some ended up counting beans like Mr. Landwear, but some just married and gave a new generation to nurture, while working hard, like so many.

When it was all over, many had their careers marked out. There were those fearful ones like me, went on to scream, kick, and fight the Creator with all the power he could muster up.

Somebody won!

David Perlmutter