Love Radiance Intention

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From: David Perlmutter
Date: Saturday, August 2, 2008, 10:25 AM
Subject: Terrified
Reply to: 263186
ID: 263188

Maybe I am the only one, besides you, Jim, who has been terrified. Why be terrifed at age sixteen playing an instrument you studied, practised at least an hour per day? Well, despite all that, and getting complaints from neighbors about the practise sessions, I was terrified in front of an audience, the likes of the Verdugo Hills Hebrew Congregation, when I was requested to play solos on the violin. I would have benefited if I had a crying towel.

My brother, Dan, commented afterward, "David, if you are going to get nervous like that, would it not be better that you play a game of marbles before you play, or practise faking a smile, would that help?"

Well, I never tried it, but, nevertheless was terrified before that audience of Yids.

David Perlmutter