Love Radiance Intention

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From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 4:31 AM
Subject: How to digest ThumbS?
ID: 264562

as this observance is a message from

then i/we might refer to the wings of a dolphin as "an open mouth" ...

which is the signal of 4 fingers opposite to a Thumb ...

and this phenomenon is presented at both sides of the AnimaL ...

::*||*:: is my symbol for the moment to express:

::* & *:: as the 2 HANDS with all limbic-edges full of SENSE'ABILITY

|| is the vessel, the body, guided by even more senses - that complexify our mutual talk although we might agree on 3 elementary forms:

two "plaTes" that electrify the body

one space between those plates that communicates them?!

Feel free to offer similar and/or opposite nutrition for human dialog ... (?)

namasteY D'olPhin S'ace