Love Radiance Intention

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Monday, September 22, 2008, 11:30 AM
Subject: Update
ID: 264719

Good morning from Santa Barbara --

I wanted to mention -- that yesterday, I received an email reply from Ms. Kay Lindahl, indicating her acceptance of my invitation and request that she join with us on our emerging and growing Board of Directors. I was so pleased to see this -- truly. I first met Kay at the United Religions Initiative conference at Stanford in 1997, and have been so impressed with her work and writing since then. Kay is the founder of The Listening Center -- and the author of two wonderful books on "The Sacred Art of Listening." There is something so powerful and so creative in the simple act of humble and receptive listening -- and Kay has expressed this so very well. As I see it -- this is a "lesson for the world" -- that I hope we can support and amplify....

And I also want to mention that I have begun to exchange some emails with Thomas McFarlane -- who was the co-founder, with me, of our "Bridge Across Consciousness" listserv network, that was so active on the internet from 1993 to something like 1999. "BRIDGE-L", as it was called, later morphed into our "United Communities of Spirit" project -- which has been on the Internet since early 1996, at

Tom was at Stanford when we met, and he has now gone on to found a patent firm in the Bay Area, where he tells me he will be flying today. In the early 1990's, emails were flying between us, as we explored these fascinating ideas regarding science and religion -- particularly as viewed through the lens of mathematics. Tom's website on "integral science" is Tom tells me he is very busy -- but I would love to see him on the Board as well...

And it's fascinating, isn't it -- that our other Board member, Bill Miller, has a website on our server, on "integral planning" -- though, when I try going there, it doesn't seem to be working right at the moment....

Well, we have a lot of pieces to connect, and a lot of paying attention to do. Our old Bridge Across Consciousness project now has its own website too -- and maybe we'll find ways to ramp up some of those old and amazing discussions on the algebra of mysticism, and how "system theory meets the Many and the One..." is a link to a series of quotes on "circle" -- a potentially powerful theme as we explore "networks of circles" and all the new integral design concepts that seem to be emerging...