Love Radiance Intention

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From: Verronika Walch
Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 3:42 AM
Subject: message from ptah
ID: 265061

love this little fearful being - your ego

living loving laughing self vero

.Message from P'taah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Q: P'taah, how did we end up in this illusion, this fall, this separation?

P'taah: Oh, beloved, you know, do not call it 'the fall' as if it is something dreadful.

You know, the reason that you chose to come here is for the intensity of the emotional experience. And you know, the greater part of you does not say, "Oh this is very bad stuff!" You understand? It does not say that. It says, "Oh, this is very intense!"

You are here to have that intense experience. And you know, it is not so dreadful when you understand you do not come this way only once. You come thousands of times, all at the same time.

This is a great assistance when you look around you and you look at those dear ones who birth themselves into war zones, into, we would say, ghetto situations. And we say in your country, particularly in the large cities where there are the children coming forth without any knowingness of the possibilities for their lives, birthing themselves into gangs and chemical addictions, into violence, into mayhem, murder and general destruction, and you ask why would anybody choose this? There is only one reason they choose it, and that is for the intensity of the experience of it.

Q: Well then why bother fighting for peace or wanting peace on the planet if people have chosen this way to live. In other words, in my heart, I look around the world and I see starving children, drug addition and things like that and if these people have chosen this experience, then what?

P'taah: You know, beloved, it is not that you look at those things and say, "Oh well, bad luck! You have chosen it." It is not to go through life without the compassion and without lending forth a helping hand and doing what you can for peace, for growth, for tranquility, for wonderment, for joy, for laughter, etc. So in truth that is all anybody wants. They have just forgotten the way to it.

Q: All right, and we're here to assist, which is what I want to do.

P'taah: Well, indeed, the first is to assist you. The first is to do what you can by living in awareness, by taking every opportunity to know more about the love of who you are as the Divine Expression of the Source.

And then, if it is your heart to do so, you can reach out to assist others. But you know, you assist others by being the truth of who you are, not by preaching and not by trying to force somebody into your way of thinking. Be an example of how you may change and transform your own life.

And you know, it is to know that there is always another way to be in any situation which creates in itself change. No matter what the situation, no matter how boxed-in you feel, no matter how trapped you feel in the situation, there is always another way to be. And by being another way, you will create a different paradigm.

Q: How can you find that other way to be?

P'taah: Be still and listen. Ask yourself, "How would a Goddess be in this situation?" You will be very surprised that the God-self or the Goddess-self will come forth with a quite surprising answer of how you may be. And we are not speaking of rushing out and doing things. We are speaking of how you are being in the situation.

Q: P'taah, could you talk about the ego?

P'taah: In the parlance of this day, we would say that the ego is really just another name for fear.

Q: How can one in grief and pain quiet the ego?

P'taah: One loves the ego. One loves this fearful little being that lives within you that is so terrified of not being enough. One has compassion for that little portion of you that rears up in anger, in rage, in frustration, jealousy, in envy, all because it feels powerless. All because it feels it is not worthy. All because it fears that love equals pain. All because it fears that the world is not a safe place.

Q: Could you give us all an exercise that we can use to heal that little one?

P'taah: Indeed, beloved. First it is to understand that this little portion of you has been with you since your birthing. As we said beforetime, this little portion learned these four basic fears very early, and of course tapped into the collective consciousness of humankind to have all of that confirmed -- that you are not worthy, that you are powerless, that love equals pain, and that the world is not a safe place.

Then you grow up and very quickly when you begin your schooling and play with your friends, your peer group, you learn to hide this fear, desperate to be what you think everybody else is. Desperate to be strong, desperate to be worthy, desperate to be loved and accepted.

So you hide everything that you feel is not appropriate. And you grow in your physicality and you grow in your intellect, but there within you is still this very tiny person that you have hidden away there. In a way, that little person that you hide away runs your life because this little you, and you can call this ego, if you want, but you can also simply call it 'fear', which is far better. This little part of you called 'fear' runs your life every time you make a choice or decision based on fear.

Where you make a choice or decision for your life based on love, joy, passion for life, fascination, fun, all of these good stuff of heart, every time you make the choice for love and joy, you are making a choice from your Goddess-God self, your big self. When you make a choice out of fear, you are making that choice from that little afraid portion of you.

So, the four steps to transforming the fear. The first is to 'own' it, to know that you create everything in your life. Own it all! Own the fear. Own the circumstances that, in a way, produce the fear. You create it all, and you create it from who and how you are. You create reality from thoughts and emotion combined, intertwined, this powerful electromagnetic energy of thought and emotion. It is yours and that is what creates the reality that you experience as life.

So until you can own it, until you can say, "I create it all and the fear is mine," you cannot change it. You are a victim. You are a victim of fear, a victim of circumstance, a victim of everything else, but you are powerless to change anything in that victim-hood. The moment you can stand tall and say, "I own it all! I own the fear. I own all of the creations in my life." then indeed you are in your power place. You are there accepting responsibility and you can change it.

The second is that you can only transform in the Now moment. What is past is past. It is gone and you will create your future from what you choose now. So 'Now', in a way, is your choice point.

The third step is that you can only transform fear whilst you are feeling it. Now this is important because if you are not feeling it then it is simply an intellectual exercise. And whilst the mind is very powerful, unless that electromagnetic energy of thought is entwined with the emotion, then there is no power to it. You cannot transform it. You must be feeling it. So it is very important that you are in the Now and paying attention to the feelings instead of pushing them away or pretending they do not exist.

And the fourth key is that you can only transform it by the absolute embracing of it. That is also quite difficult when you are used to pushing it away, hiding it under the carpet.

So, the four again. You can only transform fear by taking responsibility for the fear and for what you create from the fear. The second is you can only transform it in the Now moment. The third is you can only transform it while you are feeling it and the fourth is you can only transform the fear by the absolute embracement of it. So, how do you embrace the fear? Is that the next question, beloved? Q: Yes!

P'taah: Very good. Then we shall talk about that next month! Until then, sufficient unto the time for this day. It is with grandest love that we issue forth to each and every one of you,

