Love Radiance Intention

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From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 7:38 PM
Subject: Ascending As One
Reply to: 265843
ID: 265848

i just read a message of astrological insight ...

i thought i quit parallel to the subject dismissed here ...

so i share it by quote:

" Sun enters Sag on Friday and Pluto enters Capricorn, a long awaited astrological milestone of changes, Wednesday, 5:03 pm (Pacific time). Occurring within a daylong v/c from 4:32 am till moon enters Sag at 9:14 pm, Pluto entering Capricorn (the last time was the French Revolution) will profoundly affect humanity in the next twenty-six years, with the next four years seeing the profoundest changes. Preparing for winter solstice, 2012, when four major cycles of time end, the next four years will be times of completion while everything alters. What's not sustainable, life-affirming, and for the well-being of earth and her kingdoms, will be shattered so the new government, order and equitable and sharing economy can emerge.

It's important to understand the present world situation. Then clear intelligent choices and Right actions can be made. A new kingdom is being created - the Kingdom of the Soul where love and unity will eventually prevail. We will enter in extreme upheaval to arrive there. We will be warriors in battle. We will triumph. Each of us will be affected personally and globally. All of us are called to assist in this transformation. We must ask where can we best offer ourselves in service to the building and construction of the new culture and civilization. Below are very spiritual outcomes for each sign because underneath this transformational journey, there is for humanity a blueprint, a purpose, and a plan.

Being the changers and the changed, in what areas of life will each of us be affected? (read more at www.nightlightnews. com)"


bon voYage