Love Radiance Intention

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From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 2:37 AM
Subject: i take the vow
Reply to: 265997
ID: 265998

dear fellow monades in a planetary grouping envowing the vowing ...

with ple*sure i fly and sky on this massive & masseve ...

trembling on Verka's "vow - (schwur in german)"

as a subgermanick child once born

i'ld link & wink to the verb schwing & schwung naxt to schwur

it relates to the bodylanguage of birds simply flying by having spread their wings on the flight token ...

SO, the vow is getting airborn in a flight of light, feminine lightness in every man enlightening its galactic code on a planet we know as Earth, KI & Velatropa 24.3

BonVoyage, s'ace ::*:: cosmogerminator at Integral Intistitute

"to germ" is a fertile sprout ...