Circle Connections

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From: Ann Smith
Date: Monday, November 22, 2010, 4:35 PM
Subject: Cheerleaders for Breast Cancer Cure Video
ID: 271158

Here is a video that will cheer you up as well as benefit Susan G Komen Cure for Breast Cancer. Happy Thanksgiving to all who live in the United States. Happy thanksgiving for all of our blessings, especially for our Circle Connections members. Namaste!!! Ann

About 136 former cheerleaders got together to do a dance routine to benefit "Susan G. Komen for the Cure" (Breast Cancer). Each time someone views the video, United Healthcare will make a $.10 donation to the Komen organization. Their goal is to get a million hits, which will lead to $100K raised. Please can you take a moment to watch the video - and, just as importantly, pass this link onto your network of friends, family and colleagues? It benefits a very important cause! Thanks for helping!