Circle Connections

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From: Rosjke Hasseldine
Date: Friday, January 21, 2011, 7:53 AM
Subject: Inspiring Blog Talk about the importance of Mentor Circles
ID: 271415

Thank you for Monday's Blog Talk Radio with guest Clare Peterson. I found her story about offering to run a support circle for her friend who was running for government or public office extremely moving. How many women get that sort of suppport? How many girls grow up in families that encircle around them and ask them what they need? Sadly, not enough. And as Clare showed, imagine what we can do when we do get that kind of support. Clare's story has inspired me to ask if there is anyone in the Circle Connections network who would be willing to be my mentor. I have yearned for a mentor for years but not thought of asking. Why not I'm now wondering??!! I'm envisioning that it would involve monthly calls where I run by what is happening with my work growing Women's Power Circles and process the direction it is taking and what I need to do in order for it to grow and florish, as well as be willing to help open doors or connections that are benefical. The kind of mentor I have in mind is someone who's grown something important to her and is willing to give a little time to help another woman grow her business. Any ideas or offers welcome. Rosjke Hasseldine