Circle Connections

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From: Ann Smith
Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2011, 12:22 PM
Subject: TeleCircles Oct. 3rd and Oct 5th Don't Miss
ID: 272327

Sign up now and join us for two outstanding TeleCircle events; Jean Shinoda Bolen, October 3rd and Jean Houston, October 5th. Both are 9:00 to 10:30 Pacific Time, Noon to 1:30 Eastern Time.

It is easy. It is free. Just go to and register.

Circle Connections is proud to present TeleCircles Join us as we come together in virtual circle conversations! Women have long known how to spread the word and we believe that our ground-breaking TeleCircle gatherings will be Circle experiences worth sharing. So, please help us spread the word. Join us to honor each other, our purpose and our missions, to activate our collective potential as women.

Join us ‘live’

Bring your questions, concerns, wisdom and willingness to these inaugural ground-breaking virtual Circle conversations featuring two of our most treasured forward thought leaders and Circle advocates, Jean Shinoda Bolen and Jean Houston. Their profound reflections will offer the diving-in spot that will help us access, ignite and activate the power of our own wisdom and creativity and shape our action steps for the greater good. Explore with them and other passionate women how best to navigate our current transformation into a new way of being with ourselves, one another, our environment and the Universe. Don't wait sign up now and please spread the good news. Namaste!!! Ann, Rhonda and Caroline