Sophia Alliance

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From: Judi Woods
Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008, 10:59 AM
Subject: In Deep Appreciation with Personal Respect and Love
ID: 264828

I just read the posting from Barbara Simpson and earlier today got an email from Kimberly that I did not understand until seeing this email from Barbara... First I must say I had not gone on the Sophia Alliance or any other of the SophiaLightPages for a few days as I needed a rest... then yesterday as I glanced at an incoming email, I did see the letter posted by Bruce from Sofia (whatever Sophia pages) and I knew that Ann, Linda and Penny were in NYC and had been waiting for the confirmation from the local government of Sofia ... and with the most honorable intentions to ALL... I said "Bravo" and expressed my gratitude. I had no idea it would be taken as disrespectful to Kimberly and Lauren who I know are hardworking, brilliant, passionate and wise women who have put their heart and souls (and all else Barbara said) into this conference. Please I do not want to be pulled into the negativity mix...and actually I AM POSTIVE.. so hear this and please know that there was no intent but that of encouragement to ALL in my last email !

I met them both Kimberly and Lauren at the CSW in NYC in 2007 and have felt connected to them and their vision since day one when I stopped Lauren walking down the streets of NYC in her purple coat with her fabulous smile and said "you must be looking for us"... and from the time when Kimberly came to the first meeting with the delegation of women at the House of the Redeemer, and I first introduced my self to her and was truly so excited to meet this woman I had heard was coming to the CSW... she was awesome.... So, please if either of you or any others in the Community feel I "dissed" them in any way, I am sorry , I had no intention of doing that.. Please Kimberly and Lauren accept my sincere apology.. if I have in any way hurt you, I an sorry .. I love and deeply appreciate all you have done, and hopefully will continue to do to make this conference and the Planet in general a better place...

Blessed are the Peacemakers, for theirs is the Kingdom... To error is Human and to forgive is Divine... Keeping the Door Open...with love and respect... Judi