Sophia Alliance

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From: Tanya Gordon
Date: Friday, October 10, 2008, 6:27 AM
Subject: Principles for All? Responses
Reply to: 265072
ID: 265152

Dear Sophia Women,

Thanks for the emails in response to Principles for All? I'm happy to know so many agree that principles like these should be used in positive ways, not negative ways, and these standards are something EVERYONE should strive for.

I also hear and share your concern this list of principles can be (mis)used to censor voices and push out women who disagree or raise issues.

I notice almost all of you responded privately rather than posting on light-pages (unless some were censored?). I understand the hesitance to speak up, but encourage you to respond more openly so others have a sense just how many women have similar ideas and concerns. There are more than you realize, not only in this Sophia Alliance group, but also women we haven't heard from on light-pages the past few weeks.

I'm happy to know so many are hanging in there with the belief we CAN do better as a group, and a movement. That part is very positive and I'm hopeful we will find a way to live up to this vision and goal.

Tanya Gordon


--- On Tue, Oct 7, 2008, in msg265072, Jennifer Nielson wrote ---

I agree with several of these comments, and

I think questions A, B, C & D are important to everyone, regardless.

Jennifer Nielson


--- On Tue, Oct 7, 2008, in msg265063, Tanya Gordon wrote ---

Dear Sophia Participants,

A few of us have been reading the "Sophia Principles" posted on light-pages recently by Linda and Ann, with interesting discussions about the "standard for ethical behavior" our group is to follow. In general we agree with the principles, but have some questions and observations.


A) Do these "principles" and rules apply to EVERYONE, including the Sophiawwc "inner circle", or just to select members of the group?
B) Who is the "judge" and the jury?
C) What is the process for hearing, prosecution, sentencing and execution?
D) How does the circle or the mgmt group identify and nominate violators of these principles?

We took a look at each of the "principles" to see how the Sophia wwc 2010 team measures up to the standards it has posted. Our comments follow each "principle."

Sophia Principles:

1. Speak one at a time using non-violent communications

We believe several communications written by Ann, Linda, Bruce (and lesser degree Penny) qualify as "violent communications." Private emails sent out (which most of the group has not yet seen) have been the most negative attacks we have ever read.)

2. Speak and listen from the heart

We have seen very little speaking or listening from the "heart". Quite the opposite.

3. Encourage and welcome diverse points of view.

THIS "principle" caused a BIG reaction and long discussion. It was deemed a joke -- but one that is not considered humorous. Our experience is, not only does the Sophiawwc mgmt team and light-pages NOT "encourage or welcome diverse points of view", it ATTACKS and CENSORS diverse points of view, and shuts down any differences in opinion.

4. Listen with discernment instead of judgment.

I/we have experienced a tremendous amount of judging and VERY little discerning from the inner circle. This has many people convinced the wwc conference idea is in real trouble.

5. Share leadership and resources

SHARE LEADERSHIP??? Share resources?? We summed up our feelings this way: Sophia wwc2010 is the ONLY group any of us have ever been part of where multiple women compared the group's leadership style to Soviet Russia, communist China or the Bush Administration.

6. Decide together how decisions will be made

We have all witnessed a closed door decision-making process without room for discussion or questions.

7. Work toward consensus when possible

Same as above. There have been MANY women (and one man) who have voiced different views. The sophiawwc inner circle quickly shut down and rebuttled these voices. That is NOT working toward concensus, in our opinion.

8. Offer knowledge and experience

--- Pass

9. When in doubt or need, pause and reflect

No one in our discussion group used the word "reflective" to describe the process we've observed. So far there does not appear to be a sacred process of any kind in place. (Although we have heard it talked "about" several times.)

10. Decide together what is to be held in confidence

This is questionable. This appears to be more a process of selective secret telling, and selective secret- keeping.

11. Speak from your own experience and beliefs rather than speaking for others

We have heard Bruce and Ann in particular refer to hearsay and rumor multiple times. (I assume this means we can now talk about information and details what we have heard, or know about, also.)

12. Honor the right to disagree and do not undermine reputations or work

THIS is the 2nd "principle" that caused a HUGE reaction in the group, and was called hypocritical by most. The Sophia wwc team pushed out two of it's own founders who disagreed, then aggressively attacked their reputations and undermined 1-2 years of their work - in front of 150 witnesses and more who have watched from the sidelines.

13. Those who disregard the principles have chosen to depart Sophia 2010

We find #13 to be the most interesting of all:
IF the rules apply to everyone, including the sophia wwc inner circle, does this mean if several of us vote that Linda, Penny, Ann, Bruce and/or Jeanie have not honored these principles, they must to depart Sophia conference group -- without a hearing or any other kind of consideration?

That IS the Sophia wwc 2010 way -- right?

Does anyone else have questions or comments on this process? (besides just Ann)

Tanya Gordon

