Sophia Alliance

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From: Kimberly King
Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 9:29 AM
Subject: Beyond Polarity: The Wisdom of Many Voices and Power of US
ID: 265645

Dear Community,

Today is a truly exciting and humbling day. No matter what happens at the polls this evening, we already know that life-altering history is being made. We have talked about it, prayed about it, agonized about it, dreamed about it. Now the long awaited moment of choice is here.

Regardless of which way you plan to vote this Tuesday, there is a common call that catalyzes us all: It is The Time for Change. The future of our country, our planet and our entire global family depends upon getting this right.

All agree "doing what we have always done will give us more of what we've already got" -- and that is unacceptable. The question is not IF we need to make a change, but WHAT our new course of direction should be, and WHO is the party that embodies the change we most wish to see?

In our predominantly two-party system, polarity and division around this question is inevitable. For there to be a winner, there must be a loser. For there to be a right choice, there must also be a wrong one. If one person is deemed good, the other is painted as...bad.

I have friends and family "on both sides of the aisle," each with courageous conviction around their beliefs. I have read all arguments with interest, openness, sometimes amusement and concern. And though I respect the process of debate very much, I still cannot accept or fathom that THIS is all there is.

I have a dream...that in my lifetime I will see this Paradigm of Polarity transcended, replaced by nobler principles of equality, dignity and mutual value.

I dream of a day where diversity of perspective -- like diversity of race, nationality and gender -- is not only tolerated but is genuinely celebrated, recognized as the richness of our amazing global family.

I dream of a world where Wisdom has many voices...where two different Fathers, one standing strongly in his Faith, the other standing staunchly for freedom from Religion, are each valued as elders with something vital to say. A World where every Mother is unconditionally supported, whether she believes life begins at conception, or that what happens within her own body is hers alone to decide.

I dream of a world where ALL are embraced and included...regardless of their private perceptions or personal approach. A world where polarities are re-interpreted as the "spectrum of possibilities" whose fruits are Consciousness, Compassion and a greater Collective Clarity.

I dream of a world that evolves beyond Red OR Blue, him OR her, We Or Them, In Or out, and transforms into a World where there is only Us, and there is only Love.

Although it sounds Utopian and unrealistic, I truly believe this Dream of a Possible Future is within our reach. We just need a few of us to say Yes at the same time, and a beautiful New Universe of Possibilities will appear.

Signs of this emerging consciousness are already here. When some Red supporters questioned the patriotism of Barrack Obama, McCain stepped in with a message of balance and transpartisanship, reminding us that "just because you strongly disagree with someone on issues, it is notethical or just to attack the other person's patriotism or question their core commitment to the cause."

And in his speech two nights ago, Barrack Obama said to the audience, "What we want to achieve won't be easy, but we can make it happen if we all do our part regardless of what party we're part of...When we disagree, I promise to listen. When we don't understand each other, I promise to sit down and talk...

NOW IS THE TIME TO CHOOSE OUR BETTER HISTORY... And the choice is up to us."

In our national politics, and within our precious Sophia community, I hope we will take this moment to heart, and choose our better history. The Future we wish to live, and leave as our Legacy, is in our collective hands. The History we are making is being written and manifest this very day.

May we place our faith, action and energies in the direction of our Noblest Dreams.


Kimberly King

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
~ Eleanor Roosevelt ~

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

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Kimberly King: