Sophia Alliance

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From: Sharon Mijares
Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 11:53 AM
Subject: What has Happened?
Reply to: 266270
ID: 266272

Dear Betsy and Leslie:

I was wondering if there was any life left in this listserve as I haven't received a post in some time.

No, it looks as though the current leadership does not hold an ideal for conflict resolution, which is very sad. I was thinking of the way Obama is bringing in folks from the right and the left, and basically holding a space with the ideal of everyone working together for an improved U.S. and world. I was wishing the current leadership would "get it" that this is what is needed in order to not have a core that's ill-founded. In systems theory it is believed that a healthy, open system allows for circular loops of communication--so it's nice to see that some of understand the importance of that. Even if we are a small group, we should maintain our connection.

We can still hold good thoughts and prayers.

Wishing you all very Happy and Peaceful Holidays.

Happy Holidays.

Blessings, Sharon