Dawn's Early Light

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 11:23 AM
Subject: The resonant core
ID: 269655

A week ago, I attended a beautiful "intercultural" event in Santa Barbara, at the Ayni Gallery (216 State Street, just on the beach side of the freeway). Ayni is becoming a gathering place for people tuned to the new collectivist spirit -- and this spotless gallery, with several rooms hung mostly with Native American and indigenous art, with its shining hardwood floors -- seems an ideal place to introduce these emerging new potentials.

This event brought to us a group of Hopi dancers, who performed for a group of what must have been at least 50 people, singing and dancing and playing their drums and other native instruments. The dancing and art was beautiful -- but what was especially impressive to me -- was the authenticity and pure spirit of the leader of this group -- a man of obviously deep spiritual sensitivity and excellence. As someone who has been exploring "intercultural spirituality" for many years -- there was no issue whatsoever for me to become attuned to his message and his way. He was humble, kind, loving, trusting, concerned with "his people" and his community, grateful for the opportunity to be there -- and strong in his approach. I felt myself in a kind of "total resonance" with the spirit he and the dancers and drummers were invoking. There was no separation, no "this is our culture, that is your culture" kind of thing.

It's one spirit, understood in many ways. That seemed totally natural and obvious to me -- and to others, I am sure, also in the audience.

I say this -- because it is the universal authenticity of this spiritual approach that I personally feel is a legitimate guiding influence for the "incoming dispensation". This leader said to us, "Thank you for not doubting us." That was a brave thing to say. Their dance, their song -- was very innocent. It was very unpretentious -- it was deeply trusting -- as, indeed, an authentic spiritual call must be.

This was not "glamorous". This was not fancy people putting on a fancy stage show. This was a legitimate and deeply heart-felt spiritual leader having the courage to unfold his deepest faith in front of an unknown audience of people "from a different culture".

So, for me, doing my best for many years to hang out in the universal currents of this "Great Spirit" energy -- regardless of its particular outer form -- I was impressed, touched, engaged, brought into the circle ("the hoop") of this devotional invocation. My instinct is -- I want to work with these people. I want to follow through, and meet their local contacts again, and talk about how we can further engage -- not only to possibly further the cause of these dancers -- but to become attuned to the flow of grace resonating from them, in ways that can bless and guide what we are doing...

I think it can be said -- that for those people who have been on this path, and have been "initiated" into it, or are maturing in their spirituality in ways that can fully engage across apparent cultural boundaries -- there is indeed a kind of "universal spirit" that is present anywhere. Yesterday, thanks to a link on Twitter, I saw something from author/speaker Jean Houston that seems to illustrate this, where she talked about "the main stream" converging into "the deep stream".

That's a powerful thought, and expressed in a way that was new to me. "Deep Stream" -- I like that meme. Those Hopi dancers were resonating in the Deep Stream...

And my thought here is --

When it comes to the development and unfolding of a true "integral politics" -- it seems essential to me to define the core principles of this process in these truly universal and authentic terms.

"Integral Politics" -- has got to be "integral". For me, that means "no separation" -- no distinctions, no separation into mutually-exclusive categories.

The traditional or old way of thinking -- is, "Politics is in one part of my mind and spirituality is in another part of my mind. These are two different things, and I think about them as separate."

But in the integral context, as I understand it -- that boundary, that separation -- is dissolved.

When we as seeking human beings enter the Deep Stream -- we are there all the time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week -- no matter where we go, no matter who we are talking to, no matter what the context, no matter who we are relating to. If it is "politics" -- we are resonant. If it is "community", we are resonant. If it is "religion", we are resonant. If it is someone from "a different culture" -- we are resonant -- and we are open to meeting that person in the Deep Stream.

This is the spiritual key to the power of the "Global Shift". Everything meets -- and becomes integral -- within the context of the Deep Stream.

Everything comes together, and becomes One -- in the Deep Stream.

That means politics, and every public square / social concern that enters our world.

And it seems to me -- that this is the key to the "Gateway" -- the opening, the portal -- through which these Global Shift Initiates are entering. Enter the Deep Stream and come together.

Yes, that is the key to the spiritual power of the Shift. But it is ALSO the key to the spiritual power of the new politics.

My point is -- until we see it this way -- there is no separation, no boundary, no distinction between these so-called "levels" or categories -- our thinking and spiritual evolution has not fully matured into the resonant power of the incoming Zeitgeist.

We are indeed "entering in" -- just walking in the door, in the gentlest way. There are lots of us showing up. It's exciting. It's so simple...