Dawn's Early Light

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010, 4:58 PM
Subject: The resonant core
Reply to: 269656
ID: 269657

Thank you so much for this link, Wolfgang. I had not seen this video -- and I just watched the entire thing -- 85 minutes. I don't think I have ever seen anything on "the new physics" that I found so interesting or beautiful or persuasive. I will certainly watch it again, maybe taking "snapshots" of it as it goes by, doing what I can to capture the many beautiful and fascinating graphic images it presents.

One image that I did capture -- is of Nicola Tesla, photographed with an antenna he designed. I was particularly interested in this simply because the form of this antenna is so familiar to me. When I was a college undergraduate, I drew hundreds of diagrams taking that form -- which led me into all kinds of studies regarding the form of mandalas -- and, in particular, the implications of this form for a general theory of semantics and logic.

The radials arms of this form take a similar (though inverse) form to the radial arms of the "rays" in the "Chart of the I AM Presence".

Years ago, I spent thousands of hours analyzing that form, and eventually created a general algebraic theory of semantic structure which follows this "extremely simple" overall form.

(So interesting that one phrase from this video by John Michael Mallon is "The concepts were too complicated to be true." It takes a lot of courage and incredible intuition to say something like that.)

The reason I mention this here -- is not to draw attention away from the "resonant phase-locked" concepts presented in this video -- but because I continue to sense that one profound element in this business of "bringing the human race into resonance" must inevitably concern itself not with "human energy" alone -- but also with ideas. For the emergence of a global resonant field, it's not enough that "human energy" come into resonance, I think -- "human ideas" must also come into resonance.

I would guess that these things have to happen at the same time. Perhaps this is part of this deep instinct I have for bringing resonance "into the public square" -- that it is an absolutely essential aspect of the shift -- which, as Andrew Cohen and Barbara Marx Hubbard have suggested, is something we must assist through a process of conscious intention.

So, with the thought-forms of this video very new to me, I think I am seeing a kind of complementarity between the resonant energies -- and a kind of resonant semantics, which I am convinced we must conscious intend and create. Maybe the "fast click" model in the Purple Alliance will help bring this resonant semantics into phase.

One might certainly say that the "political anger" out there today is a kind of "out of phrase" phenomenon. I think we are being called into a process of invocation, intended to pull the (political, and with it, everything else) world into a kind of resonant vortex -- that can not only heal this out-of-phase anger -- but can also help bring the human race into a state of optimum collective decision-making, as we come together to develop solutions to the critical problems facing the world today.

This theory of resonant semantics can probably flow from the original work on "synthetic dimensionality", which is a fully linear model of natural language semantics, that explains how all human meaning (in any language) is constructed, following the lines of the Tesla antenna design and the I AM Presence chart -- a simple linear/hierarchical fractal decomposition...


This is just speculation and guesswork -- but I think we are being called into this vortex, not only to form a single integral resonant field, as described in this fascinating video -- but to "deprogram the Tower of Babel" that has bewitched human communication since the beginning of cognitive / rational understanding...

--- On Sun, Jan 24, 2010, in msg269656, Wolfgang Fischer wrote ---

Dear Bruce, dear friends,

this 85 min video deals with: The Resonant Core, The Gateway, The Deep Stream

and it explains in simple words and pictures the inevitably proceeding shift which especially will effect all
those aspects of human society which still maintain the destructive, abusive, a-social and anti-ecological
determinations of current politics.

with best wishes from the Holy Valley of the Inka,

