Water Convergence

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From: Akasa WolfSong
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 6:46 AM
Subject: Water ~ The Great Mystery
Reply to: 270469
ID: 270470

Good Morning Lavonne and Water Keepers!

  Okay, so in keeping with my idea for yesterday and the response I received from Shalahnia and 
Lavonne I quickly just did a Google search this morning for the worlds most polluted rivers...as rivers all 
flow to the seas and oceans...thought that might be a good place to start?  So here is a link we can all 
go to to start this off maybe unless someone else has a better idea?  The link is:
  Perhaps we can start with the first one on the list and give it from Wednesday (today) until 
Wednesday next as we pour our blessings in to the river and then move on to the next one?  I will 
keep track of them as we go, unless someone else would like to do that?  I know we all lead busy lives 
but all of us are in this together so anyone who would like to do this is more than welcome.  :)  So the 
first one then we can all begin praying for and sending blessings to would be:
  Lake Victoria borders three countries in East Africa - Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda - making it extra 
difficult to negotiate cleanup and pollution prevention. As there are few enforced regulations, residents 
wash cars in the same lake water that sewage water is regularly released in and that they also end up 
bathing in. Even worse, people who come in contact with the water are susceptible to coming away 
with several diseases including, schistosomiasis, bilharzia, cholera, pneumonia, diarrhea, and several skin 
  I will attempt to get this displayed on our Calendar within the group today...hopefully it will be user 
friendly?  LOL
  Many blessings to All of You!

--- On Wed, Jul 21, 2010, in msg270469, 
Lavonne Rees wrote ---

Ladies- Thank you for the wonderful information and flow of Love for our Waters this morning. I have 
much going in on in life at the moment and 
am very grateful that you both are keeping the group inspired. I hope to have some time over the 
weekend to watch the movie. I love the ideas a 
blessing all the water ways and those in the group who are so called joining in. That was ones of my 
visions for this group, that the calendar will be 
filled with activities such as these and at any given moment in time you could go to the calendar find a 
person to connect you heart with and bless 
the waters.

It will come, we are still young and when I look at how we have grown in a little over a month and the 
wonderful people that are showing up I know 
why I had to create the community, the house we can all share space in. Until I have a few moments to 
breathe keep on keeping on for me. BTW I to 
joined in the conscious convergence as I suspect many in the group did.

Much Love,


--- On Tue, Jul 20, 2010, in msg270468, 
Shalahnia K wrote ---

Oh Dear One

You are most welcome! I love your enthusiastic response. Yes, that is how I feel. It was lengthy, but 
each moment
was so full of such wonderful information.

Yes, I participated in the Conscious convergence and did the tree of life meditation. And yes, as we add 
blessed and
loved water to the seeds of the tree of life, as you say so much of import will come to pass. 

I love your idea about the systematic blessing of each waterway, aquifer, river, every body of water. If 
you are
locating them perhaps you could give the geographical coordinates and those of us here who wish, 
could form a
blessing group together. If you find a good source for that type of mapping please share and we can 
work together!!

So good to be alive at this time! I know now why I am here NOW!
Much Love and Many Blessings,

--- On Tue, Jul 20, 2010, in msg270467, 
Akasa WolfSong wrote ---

Dearest Shalahnia,

  A million Thank You's for this life-changing share!!!!    I am forever changed by this extraordinary 
information.  My mind and heart are awhirl with all of the possibilities for change as a result of this 
information, and I think we here at Water Convergence can do so much right from our own fires to 
bring about a huge shift in relationship to waters and lands everywhere.  What I find more interesting as 
I peruse these possibilities is that if one participated in the Conscious Convergence and planted the 
seeds of The Tree of Life, then one can water those seeds with these possibilities that we have just 
witnessed in this film.  Can you imagine the import of that?  It blows my mind!  LOLOL!   All I can say is 
WOW!!!!!!  I want to find a map and begin to send blessings to each tributary, stream, river, creek, 
spring, sea, pond, aquifier, and oceans...I want to be methodical with it...and persistent!

  Sending You Much Love and Many Blessings for this incredibly powerful share!
  Grandmother Akasa

--- On Mon, Jul 19, 2010, in msg270464, 
Shalahnia K wrote ---

I am in the process of watching this 85 minute video that promises to be very informative.
chilling from a fully packed weekend.





