Water Convergence

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From: Shalahna Kim
Date: Sunday, August 29, 2010, 8:16 AM
Subject: Blessings
Reply to: 270707
ID: 270711

Hi LaVonne

the reason I tried to delete that post was because it was out of date. I am thinking of joining the sisterhood of the Planetary Water rRites, I see you are a member there also! I just read your peace in Conscious Choices the other day, very nice. Reading parts of teh book brought about some other synchronous events !

Much Love


--- On Sat, Aug 28, 2010, in msg270707, Lavonne Rees wrote ---

Shalahnia- I know Jane and have been doing remote New Moon Water Blessings with her for several years. She is women of great passion, joy and integrity very dedicated to her work.

Thank you for sharing with everyone. Over the years I have connected with others Blessing the Waters and it is what drove me to creating this community. For all to share their passion yet stay authentic and true to the work we do.

will add her information to the links.

Much Love, I


--- On Fri, Aug 27, 2010, in msg270703, Shalahnia K wrote ---

is there a way to delete an entry? opps!

