Water Convergence

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From: Akasa WolfSong
Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2011, 6:44 AM
Subject: The Healing Water Project...
Reply to: 271545
ID: 271548

You are very welcome Water Sister...We are all in the Great Water Womb together! :)

Love, Love, Love! Akasa

--- On Tue, Feb 8, 2011, in msg271545, Lavonne Rees wrote ---

Thank you Dear Sisters for bringing this to me as something to presence my self around!.

Love, Love, Love

LaVonne --- On Tue, Feb 8, 2011, in msg271541, Shalahnia K wrote ---

Dearest Akasha,

Thank you so much for posting this. They must not send the same one to everyone, as I did not relieve this one. This is such good timing, a friend attending the New Moon Ceremony just last week, works with whales. I to have had a dream where a whale came to me and asked for help. I have been longing for a way to help more. I am meeting tomorrow with this friend and hoping to understand how the work he does can be incorporated into the water ceremonies.

I joyfully agree with these intentions and echo your most beautiful prayer!

"May The Beauty and Fluidity of All Waters Everywhere live inside us all with constant awareness....to continue bringing Love and Healing to Mother Earth's most precious resource."

In cascading love,


--- On Mon, Feb 7, 2011, in msg271525, Akasa WolfSong wrote ---

In receiving The Intenders of the Highest Good I found this in my inbox this morning and thought we all could aling ourselves with this very needed intention.

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for the Dolphins and Whales

This Vision was inspired from our Intender friend, Isabel Foltin, who sent us a petition regarding the yearly "celebration" for slaughtering the Calderon dolphins on the Faroe Islands in Denmark.

We envision a place and time when people are making pilgrimages to the shores of all lands to be in the company of the dolphins and whales, to glean their teachings, and to honor them for the gifts they share with us. Indeed, we see a world where telepathic communication between humans and the dolphins has been restored, and, as a result, humanity now has access to the wondrous knowledge and unconditional love that these amazing Beings embody.

From another point of view, we see compassion and a caring for life having reawakened in humanity after we allowed ourselves to feel the depth of love it took for the dolphins and whales to have suffered and died in the past in order to show us how utterly insane we were to have killed them like we did. Indeed, we see that the people of Faroe Island and all such places have a different and much better source of food sustenance now, one that does not cause harm to animals.

We also envision the ancient secrets of Earth - all that has happened on this planet before "recorded history" began, some 6000 years ago - made known to us through our telepathic link with the whales. As such, the historical containment which held humanity in the dark for eons has been shattered, once and for all, bringing unlimited information to us of past cultures, hidden agendas, cosmic visitors, great inventions, free energy, emotional clearing, physical healing, and true freedom.

Finally, we see all of humanity lifted up because, in great measure, of the loving guidance we continue to receive from the dolphins and the whales.

To align yourself with these wonderful Visions you may sign up at: The Intenders of the Highest Good- http://www.visionalignmentproject.com

I Love, Love, Love getting these in my inbox and was so happy to see Shalahnia posting them to our Focus and Intentions here at Water Convergence!!!

May The Beauty and Fluidity of All Waters Everywhere live inside us all with constant awareness....to continue bringing Love and Healing to Mother Earth's most precious resource.

In Divine Love, Akasa


