Water Convergence

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From: Akasa WolfSong
Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2011, 4:05 PM
Subject: WaterKeepers....
Reply to: 271632
ID: 271633

Great News indeed Shalahnia...and you are very welcome!

In Abiding Love, Akasa

--- On Wed, Feb 23, 2011, in msg271632, Shalahnia K wrote ---

I figured out the problem and fixed it!

Many Thanks

--- On Wed, Feb 23, 2011, in msg271630, Akasa WolfSong wrote ---

I am sending this out as a test....Shalahnia is having some problems posting to the group. If anyone else is experiencing problems posting could you let us know, please? Also, could someone let me know if you get this in your email inbox?

Thank You So Much! Akasa

