Spirit of the World

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Monday, March 10, 2008, 10:24 AM
Subject: Spiritual Unity Project
Reply to: 262558
ID: 260015

Good morning.

Just wanted to mention that over the weekend, I got the basics for this "World Scripture" system working. This means that we can now "cut and paste" the appx 4000 scriptural passages from this book into our system in a pretty quick way (it's still a lot of work).

Exactly how this might come together is still emerging -- but it seems to me that this work is exactly in line with the thoughts and visions of many groups out there -- though this approach may seem rather sophisticated and technical to some people. And others may not see the advantage or need to organize "mere words" in such ambitious ways. Isn't this just about spirit and love, they might ask?

And we could answer yes to that question -- and just say that reinforcing this love with the intellectual/conceptual side of human nature seems to be an important aspect of the way human beings understand these things. We all rely on "book learning" to some degree. So, we can simply say, yes, "the map is not the territory" -- and this project, so far, is merely about maps.

But who can say we don't need better maps? I say -- we do. And this approach -- "co-creative map-making for a new global civilization" -- is an important undertaking.

So, for now, we are simply planting the seed. I do have these fuzzy visions of a network of "vestal priestesses" helping build this framework -- making contact, building relationships, undertaking some of the mundane secretarial tasks that it takes to pull all these pieces together.

We are beginning to develop a "questions" framework. Maybe it's like an oracle. These priestesses -- they've got every answer known to human civilization at their fingertips -- and what is not known, or must be improvised or created on the spot -- they can synthesize through resonance and grace.

All these pieces will come together. It will take some time, and a fair amount of hand-holding and careful relationship-building -- but the underlying structure is there, is stable, and is growing. It will keep growing.

Right now, you can see the initial framework of this new workspace here


(take a look at this, JoAnn)

Yes, it is very ambitious, and there's a long ways to go. But it's happening. And the framework is strong and can grow in almost any direction. Peace.