Standing Women

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From: Kathryn Grace
Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 12:16 AM
Subject: Let's hear from the people who stood
ID: 260930

I'd love to know about other people's experiences standing yesterday. I blogged about mine here. Did anyone else blog about standing? Karen, I too was surprised that more people did not sign up to stand in a big city like San Francisco. I wonder if five minutes seems like too little to folks, as if it can't mean much. I was surprised, when I thought the five minutes must be up, to discover I had been standing for almost fifteen. I'd as willingly stand for half an hour. One of the things that was so wonderful about Sharon Medhi's story was that the two grandmothers who started the whole thing seemed to have arrived independently of one another on the very same day. Another striking aspect was that they spoke not a word to anyone. The silence is one of the most beautiful aspects of the story. Somehow, the little girl knew what they were doing. Once spoken, other women understood and each of them independently made the decision to stand with the grandmothers. I have often thought about taking half my lunch hour each day and standing in a nearby park. I wonder what would happen.