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From: Virginia Small
Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 1:26 PM
Subject: Need more info on the UN
ID: 261986

Hello all:

If I remember correctly there was someone on our phone conversations who worked with or for the UN.  I don't know anything about what I am trying to do but I will give you some information.

As many of you know I run a website about people with albinism in the Black community. Someone sent me an article from the New York Times saying that people like me were being killed and our body parts are being sold to cure diseases and to make people rich. This is happening in Tanzania and some other parts of Africa.

There is a group that I have known about for several years called the Tanzanian Albinism Society. I am trying to get information an how I can help them get sunscreen, hats, sunglasses and also help do something to stop the killings: maybe help in some sort of promotional campaign to educate people. Right now I am gathering information. I have written someone at the society. I would like to write the President of Tanzania and the woman with albinism, Al- Shaymaa J. Kwegyir, Tanzania’s new member of Parliament to get information and offer help.

I have gotten several suggestions such as help them to start their own businesses since it's very hard for them to get employment. I would like to see them taught some sort of self defense.

Here is where the UN part comes in. Someone suggested I contact the UN to see if I talk to them about getting a task force together. I have no idea how to do that or what would come next.

Can anyone offer any suggestions?

Thanks in advance
