The Interspirit Foundation

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From: Bonnie Kelley
Date: Thursday, September 25, 2008, 9:46 PM
Subject: To love is to facilitate life
Reply to: 264801
ID: 264803

Bill... tagging along on Jeanie's magnificent welcome of you and Bruce's obvious regard ... let me say blessings and greetings as well. I am another of these devoted servants to the free flow of information way of doing things... as the only way to cocreate the new forms that are emerging in this conscious evolution time of life. Welcome to our invitational--love field. We are ready to reveal ourSelves above the radar and it seems ever so right that you are with us in this noble endeavor. Bonnie Kelley

--- On Thu, Sep 25, 2008, in msg264801, Jeanie DeRousseau wrote ---

Dear Everyone,

For those of you who don't know me, I'd like to introduce myself (Jeanie DeRousseau) as Bruce's partner in the LightPages initiative of Interspirit. (LightPages is the system in which these messages are being sent, which gives me no end of delight.)

When Bruce introduced Bill today, and pointed us toward his 2006 presentation, I came away with a deep recognition of the convergence that is happening through Bruce's call to move the Interspirit Foundation forward. I was so impacted by your words, Bill, that I needed to respond in some way.

In the Conscious Evolution community in Santa Barbara we often speak of "evolutionary design space". This is a phrase coined by Bela Banathy that suited us and what we were trying to accomplish in the thousands of people hours we spent together in community circle work. I believe that the subtle work of "facilitating life" in our community was successful because we held each circle to be such a design space (some would call it a love space).

Bruce and I participating in this community experience ... it seems to me now that what we are creating in LightPages is an online evolutionary design space. LP is a simple replicative environment that is meant to coalesce and multiply design spaces for individuals and groups that want to relate authentically and create something new. Bill, your summary about living systems being open, self-organizing, and responsive to feedback are definitely part of the theoretical foundation behind LP. The entirety of your talk about community design and technologies... just took my breath away... for its relevance to LP.

With the deepest respect I want to welcome you, Bill, and everyone here to this evolutionary design space where every phase of design from first thoughts to impactful actions can be fostered...

With a big grin,
