Santa Barbara Global Village

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From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 11:05 PM
Subject: Are we soup yet?
ID: 265209

Dear Everyone,

Re-membering what birthed this "Global Village", I'm brought back to the Adult Ed course in Spring 2007: "Creating the community you long to belong to". This was the description:

There is hope. In a world seemingly trapped in imminent disaster, there is a way through. Together we can co-create experiences of community that call forth our deep potential to evolve. In a field of collective resonance and wisdom, we awaken in ourselves an inner peace, a sense of belonging, and an innate impulse to express our gifts for the sake of us all. Come practice co-creation and fulfill your own deep longing for true community in these times of crisis.

For just a bit we experimented with this forum as part of the course, and a year and a half later it almost seems funny that we were talking about crisis and the impulse to community then!

I'd be very curious to hear what has happened for everyone in this time interval. As Ani, Bruce and Bonnie are stirring the pot of "SB Global Village", are there any vegetables that would like to share how its been to be in the pressure cooker of evolution thus far?? And what is this new phase of evolution that's starting to boil and bubble asking for? (I obviously love your metaphor, Ani!)

(Just to answer a few of my own questions briefly... For me it's been "mind-blowing", literally... I like to think my inquiry is much more heart-based now. And just my situation at present, that I'm living in Kailua, Hawaii, feeling very much connected to the Santa Barbara Global Village, says something. While Otto Laula's good friend who has lived in Santa Barbara and may be moving back there, lives just a few blocks away from me here. Interesting...)

So I'm delighted to be tuning in via this medium, feeling the resonance of community across the ethers, looking forward to the future unfolding in some exquisite way, together, Jeanie