Love Radiance Intention

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From: Wolfgang Fischer
Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 12:27 AM
Subject: Victorian fires Australai
Reply to: 267042
ID: 267049

Dear Michael,

how sad indeed this dramatic situation in Victoria with all its material destruction as well as its depressive effect on the individual human spirit. It hurts and I feel with all the affected people. In Victoria. At any place in the world where people suffer.

Imagine only what immense relief potentials would be set free the very moment global societies would no longer invest in war but in peace and hope. There would be help galore and hope no matter how fierce a catastrophe might be.

Really depressing is the fact, that still a majority of catastrophes is man-made and most of them even deliberately for doubtful purposes.

The more important is our striving for a general change.

Let us pour as much energy as possible into the chalice of trust - into the chalice of the understanding that no matter how dispiriting any obstacles might be Love and Peace finally will prevail.


--- On Sun, Feb 8, 2009, in msg267042, Michael Ellis wrote ---

Dear All

What is equivalent to a giant fire ball has hit the atate of Victoria wher I live and has burnt and dessicated the country areas which comprise most of the state

it is very very sad. I feel so sad for all those people who have lost their livelihoods anf jobs. Now almost 100 have died in the fires

There is a sadness amongst the people, A sense of emotional restraint. You can see it in their eyes The heat was terrible on Saturday, Down by the ocean , where I was,the temp was 44 degrees centigrade which is111 degrees fahreneit and the wind was ferocious

The whole of Victoria was ablaze that day

All the little townships and even tourist areas

Places near to the Hills like Healesville, Narre Warren, Marysville ,Alexandra. many completely destroyed

Marysville was a beautiful alpine town with giant water Falls , There is no Marysville now

It is gone completely

Basically apart from Melbourne and the outer suburbs which includes the Hills or Mt Dandenog where my clinic is the rest of Victoria is smouldering in a wave of fires

Because of the cool Change alot of the fires are now out but there are still enormous fronts like near Beechworth the Old Gold mining town whose streets are scattered still wth gold dust

Victoria the state is roughly the size of Great Britain

Let us send our prayers for the lost and bereft people in Victoria who have losttheir homes, livelihoods and families

