Women's Network Consortium

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 12:13 PM
Subject: Calling the circle...
ID: 267346

Hello again, People.

Just -- continuing to feel my way into this business -- I want to thank everybody who has taken a few minutes to click through these pages...

I can feel this process growing in my soul. On this issue of -- "what is the right way to convene the circle" -- to "call" a circle into being --

what I am feeling is: this questionnaire/survey process seems to work wonderfully.

It's working great for me. There is so much interdependency between all these things we are doing, and the co-creative elements are essential. As my women friends have reminded me so often -- there is a kind of "respect for the mystery" -- something about "not claiming to know" -- that keeps the co-creative energy of the circle vital and alive.

And this "survey" seems to do that. It does not begin with a claim -- but only enough motivation to ask some respectful questions, asked of people whose response we respect. And that alone, with the space we have created to "receive" the response -- creates a circle.

So -- I am feeling this moment developing -- particularly in the context of our political situation.

Do we need to "do something?" It's a huge national question at the moment. If the answer is "yes", then, obviously, WHAT is that something?

Do we need to "call a circle" to figure out how to proceed? Do we need to call 10,000 circles -- "a million circles" -- and get them all entrained and interconnected in some way -- in order to approach or address these kinds of questions?

My instinct is -- well, er um, dare I say -- yes.

Here, I tend to feel -- is a leadership opportunity for the feminine spirit. That "soft cloud of goodness" -- can begin to coalesce -- everywhere it is needed, everywhere our city or region or nation or world -- is aching with the uncertainty of not seeing, not understanding, not trusting...

Well, we are in a very formative stage. But things are emerging. Many thanks.