Circle Connections

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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Friday, June 18, 2010, 1:20 PM
Subject: Healing the Gulf
Reply to: 270199
ID: 270201

Anne- I'll be there with you. I share your passion for water. I'd like to invite you to check out a project I have started to bring all those with the passion of Water together as one.



--- On Fri, Jun 18, 2010, in msg270199, Ann Smith wrote ---

I just posted the following Circle Connections Blog with important information on how we can help heal the Gulf. Please let us know about other actions and sources. Namaste!!! Ann

Blog: I just signed up for the first Virtual Council with the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. It's an unprecedented gathering with some of our world's wisest elders in dialogue and prayer focused on healing our planet. Saturday, June 19, 5 p.m. Pacific.

Living in the Southwest part of the Gulf of Mexico, we do not yet see signs of the ecological damage in our area, but even if by some miracle it doesn't reach here, we want to help and are organizing. We are planning a Hands Across The Sands demonstration on the beaches of the Gulf, Saturday, June 26th at Noon. If you don't live on a beach, you can join with us in solidarity by standing where ever you are at Noon on this date and extend your hands out to spiritually connect to us. For more information about this global event go to

We can all join as One every day at Noon in prayer and dialogue. The Sisterhood of the Planetary Water Rite website and newsletter brings Indigenous wisdom and the Net of Light visualization that I use to contain the oil spill and bring healing to all life. Tonya Whitedeer, co-founder, is a Clan Mother of the Bear Clan of Medicine Creek Metis in Laytonville, California. She holds women’s circles and Grandmother Net of Light Ceremonies. She is one of the Ambassadors’ for the Sacred White Buffalo Family in Northern Oregon. She is currently working on a novel that is coming to her through Spirit. Tonya works with endangered species Medicines of the Green Nation and maintains a Medicine Walk open to the public to educate all those that come to her land named through Spirit as Medicine Creek. Here is a message from Tonya who will be our radio guest Monday, July 5th. "I received calls that Grandmothers were calling Grandmothers all over the World with the same message....Stand in our Circles...Pray...ask for help from the Star Nations..the animal kingdon are also forming their circles....seeking the people that are Light Bearers....there are some beautiful stories that I would love to share about how the animals are communicating" Honey in the Heart...Grandmother Tonya Whitedeer. For more information go to

I am starting June 25th, next Friday, at Happehatchee Center, a Friday Prayer for the Gulf Circle. We will meet from 11:00 am - Noon for a mystical and magical hour of Meditation, Movement and Water Blessing for the Gulf. This will be followed by a brown-bag luncheon dialogue on what we can do to help heal ourselves and Mother Earth. Happehatchee Center is a beautiful and serene eco-spirituality center in Estero, Florida. If you live in the area please join us. Http://

We encourage you to start your own Circles. Rhonda and I are available to help however needed. All are needed in helping to heal Mother Earth. Namaste!!! Ann and Rhonda
