Gather the Women Global Matrix

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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Saturday, June 26, 2010, 2:32 PM
Subject: Native American water ceremony along the Gulf of Mexico
Reply to: 270253
ID: 270254

Yvette~ Thank you for sharing this lovely information. If it is okay with you I would like to post it on the Bulletin board of my Light pages group WATER CONVERGENCE. Unfortunately I am not able to make it personally however I would love to host a group of Women here in Long Beach and join our energy. Others from the WATER CONVERGENCE group may like to do the same.

I invite you to come look around Water Convergence and share your passion for Water.



--- On Sat, Jun 26, 2010, in msg270253, Yvette Mendez wrote ---

I would like to invite all the women from the four corners of the country to come and join us for a water ceremony on Saturday July 10, 2010 in South Padre Island. This gathering is for women to come together for a Native American healing ceremony of prayer for the ocean, and all earthly bodies of water. This hemorrhaging that is occurring in the Gulf is extremely dangerous not just for the ocean but for all of mother earth and her inhabitants. Great catastrophes are due if this great wound continues to bleed. Women of all nations and all colors, the time is now for us to come and form a beautiful rainbow circle of healing light, love and peace. This is why we have all asked to come to the earth at this point in our historical history and spiritual evolution. The time of our divine awakening is now, our mother earth is in extreme peril. She calls upon us now for help. We must come together to speak and pray to the water, to intervene in her most dire moment of need. Please ladies, what little sacrifice can we make for all that our mother does for us? Make the trip, come join us, we need you now. The "Deer Corn Women" of the Southwest need you. Please contact me at (210) 618- 8189, or e-mail me at if you can attend, and want further details.

