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From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Saturday, July 10, 2010, 9:35 PM
Subject: Staying Calm in the Light
Reply to: 270389
ID: 270391

Beloved Sister Tonya~ Thank you so much for this beautiful share. With an open heart.


--- On Sat, Jul 10, 2010, in msg270389, Tonya Whitedeer Cargill wrote ---

Dear Ones:

We all have such a wonderful connection with our Circles all ove the World and now with the Star

Nation People....I feel so positive that the Gulf situation is another "wake up call" .... it has brought so

much to a realization of what we truly need to do....raise ourselves into a higher awareness....I see this

every day....

Remember to bless our water that we drink from the glass....let our Earth know that we love and

Honor Her in even the smallest of ways....walk gently upon her....lay upon her and feel her heartbeat...

that is love... This is a most powerful of times...we are blessed to be living within these extreme

changes...we know our choices...we know what is right when we listen to our hearts...

Chante Ishta...the eye of the heart...AHO.. Many Blessings... All Ways, Grandmother Whitedeer
