Evolutionary Women

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From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Sunday, August 28, 2011, 9:15 PM
Subject: Heal My Voice to Launch Next Project with Evolutionary Women
ID: 272265

Heal My Voice, Inc is a non-profit organization founded by me in Jan 2011 that emerged out of the book Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman's Guide to Life published in 2008.

One of the purposes of each Heal My Voice project is to build a strong community centered around writing a personal 1500 word story. The working title of the next Evolutionary Women anthology book is "Evolutionary Women Speak About the New Future."

The first collaborative, Heal My Voice book project was offered to women in Baltimore/DC The focus of the book is stories about Being Fearless. Twenty-one women are currently in this process. Book will be self-published in March 2012.

Second project is a collaborative partnership with Evolutionary Women. The official start date is in January, 2012. Book will be self-published in October 2012. Registration is open now with a maximum of 40 women.

REQUIREMENTS for writing a story: Attendance at one of the Evolutionary Women Retreats or a Teleclass Series with Lucky Sweeny. (Lucky will be offering a 5 week teleseries in Oct/Nov and will announce more details around that soon! There is an additional cost for the teleseries with Lucky)

The cost for participation in Heal My Voice 9- month project is $242 and can be paid all at once or in 9 monthly installments of $35.

There will be a variety of opportunities to connect with women in the project in a Secret Facebook Group and on the telephone. Each woman will receive at least one 30-45 minute coaching-energy session with Andrea. This is about exploring a topic in your life connected with money, career, relationships, your story or something else. It is on the phone or with SKYPE. Each woman will also receive 5 copies of the published book, 1 copy of Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman's Guide to Life and nine months of optional monthly/weekly group support. (You can also write your 1500 word story and opt out of the in-person gatherings and phone calls.)

Why would women want to participate in the nine-month book experience?

*To become a contributing author in a published book with women

*To participate in a community space with Evolutionary Women.

*To feel the support and to connect, collaborate, gather and integrate changes that will occur in 2011 and 2012

*To have an opportunity to share their unique gifts in an encouraging, supportive, space where your unique gifts can be shared within the group.

More Details:

Book Project: Nine-month process:

Every month, a variety of women in the book group will offer their unique gifts as we support each other in writing our stories and shining our light.

Optional Activities:

Weekly group support phone calls using teleconferencing

Secret Facebook Group

Additional Support will be added like writing workshop teleconferencing.

Monthly Focus

Month 1: Journaling for Ideas for Your Story

Month 2: Writing story for book. Honoring each woman’s voice.

Month 3: Gentle reader feedback and support. Reviewing and Re-writing

Month 4: Final writing and editing due

Month 5 and 6: Speaking our voices. BlogTalk Radio Station, audio recording, speaking within the group, sound healing activities.

Month 7 and 8: Next step reflection and empowerment next steps.

Month 9: Celebration with the self-published book

There will be an Evolutionary Women Retreat in the Fall of 2012 with a ceremony honoring the voices and words of women. This will be an additional cost.


During the years 2011-2012, the major focus for Heal My Voice, Inc:

1) To co-create five to ten book projects with different women organizations. Each project is a nine month process of the exploration of writing, speaking, and empowerment. A published book is a product at the end of the nine months.

2) To develop the structure for a facilitator program to teach women how to lead this nine-month book process in whole and in sections to women in areas like prisons, domestic abuse shelters, grief centers, cancer support and more. (All of the projects will be with women or girls with one additional common element, such as connection to an organization, an experience in prison, domestic abuse, death of spouse...)

3) To establish the organization as tax exempt.

For more questions, email Andrea: AHylen@mac.com