Global Resonance Network

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Saturday, January 12, 2013, 11:03 AM
Subject: Resonant circles and global shift
ID: 273325

Good morning, People, from Santa Barbara CA USA

It's been a while. This global resonance project has been quiet since about 2007 -- but its message, into which we poured so much, is still very much alive.

A couple of new people joined just yesterday, who knows why, but I want to say hello.

As per the sometimes magical and oracular little quotes that appear at the top of pages on this site -- I am looking at one right now that reads

"The vision of an emergent planetary culture involves the broadening and deepening of our individual and collective perspectives and assumptions so that we embrace ourselves as a species, as humankind, rather than as separate factions." David Spangler, 'Revelations: The Birth of A New Age'

Many of us out here in California have just been through the experience of "Birth2012". What I am experiencing right now has to do with that. What has been born, how can we make it strong, why is it the catalyst for a new world...

Here's the circle-vision as it emerged for me last spring:

Here's something I am experimenting with right now:

We made a lot of good friends on this network over the years, and all those influences are still resonating in the ethers. Say hi if you feel like it. Thanks and blessings.