Evolutionary Women

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From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Saturday, March 9, 2013, 3:51 PM
Subject: Voices of Feminine Leadership
ID: 273464

Hello Evolutionary Women!

Announcing open enrollment for the 7th Heal My Voice project: Voices of Feminine Leadership. The group of women is beginning to gather. This is a nine month program using an evolutionary process that began with the book Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman's Guide to Life in 2008. The process has grown with writing, speaking and next steps of leadership. What is emerging and evolving in your life?

What is FEMININE LEADERSHIP? This is a pioneering project. At the core, we will each write an emergent story that will be collated in an anthology book and released on Amazon in January 2014. There will be activities provided as resources and tools to support your process. YOU choose what you want to participate in to support yourSelf.

*Individual energy/coaching phone sessions to shine a light on YOU.

*Secret Facebook group.

*Community phone calls.

*Small group phone discussion groups about Feminine Leadership.

*Resources and tools for writing.

*Your voice on BlogTalk Radio.

*Social Media instruction and a Book Celebration.

*ALL of our VOICES in an on-line circle with discussions: What do we think is Feminine Leadership ? What do other people think it is? How do we integrate more of the feminine/masculine energy? Are we trying to fit into an old model? How do we shift together? What holds us back as the full expression of who we are? And much more!!

Go to http://www.healmyvoice.org and click on Voices of Feminine Leadership to sign up now.

For questions and more information: Contact Andrea Hylen, Founder of Heal My Voice AHylen@mac.com

FYI: Our website is evolving. One of the Board Members has upleveled to a site with more features and we are in a reorganizing, about to change the photo, etc.. The site is functional...and in transition!