Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara

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From: Ani Ahavah
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 2:23 PM
Subject: Conscious Evolution Network EMERGING
ID: 276610

Beloved Community, This is an intimate moment of reckoning as a "Conscious Evolution Network."

This is the moment for which we came to Earth; for which we have been prepared; for which we have been waiting, and for which I came to Santa Barbara in 2004 to work with Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Conscious Evolution Community. Our current dangerous breakdowns are inviting us to serve humanity's evolution at this Great Moment of Crisis. I still sense that Santa Barbara could be a birthplace of a new humanity, cradled between the mountains and the ocean.

"When a complex system is far from equilibrium, small Islands Of Coherence on the periphery of a Sea in Chaos, can cause the entire living system to JUMP and repattern at a higher order." We, as a small collective "fluctuation," with other small collective fluctuations around the globe, can turn the tide of the ecological tsunami coming our way. Through consciously evolving, within and without, we can fulfill our heart's desire and Nature's mandate for evolving our local and planetary human service systems throughout the world.

This first post is intended to "STIR our Collective Pot, and invite YOUR juicy ingredients.

I SO want to hear from YOU on this forum/Island of Coherence, Bruce Schuman has provided us evolutionaries.

Interbeing with You, Ani Ahavah