Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 10:39 PM
Subject: Conscious Evolution Network EMERGING
Reply to: 276610
ID: 276611


So interesting to see this. Thank you, Ani. Good timing in the mystic attunement.

I like what you have to say, and I agree with all of it.

It seems to be time for "some movement" -- some co-creative response to a huge collective crisis rising like a ghastly sunrise....

It so happens, People -- that Ani and I are both on an interesting online Zoom seminar, that starts for us every single day 7 days a week at 8am PST.

It's called "Humanity Rising" -- and every day it features some theme of topical importance. We've recently done racism and male/female balance -- and always hovering in the background are issues like climate change and global economic imbalance.

You can check it out here:

There's a schedule at the bottom of the page - give it a click.


Things are bouncing around in very juicy ways right now. Today, I was on several of the "World Unity Week" zoom seminars organized by the great Ben Bowler

And I also jumped over to another seminar coming from IONs -- the Institute of Noetic Science -- which in this case also featured racism. They had some impressive people in that seminar -- a couple of black women with a deep and informed sense of social responsibility and constructive activism -- one of whom is doing restorative justice programs in Oakland, and the other being a minister -- and I would say priestess -- who called herself a "Keeper of the Flame" and delivered an amazingly powerful chakra-invocation at what I called a "world class" level.

She also happens to be living at Unity Village in Missouri.

I'm just feeling my way, but that that feels so promising and creatively fertile. I did attend many Unity services here in Santa Barbara -- and I very much resonate to their basic message -- big, simple, clear, centered.


And another big point -- on Humanity Rising and on World Unity Week -- there are many people who talk about Barbara Marx Hubbard and Conscious Evolution.

I sense that Ani and I are feeling something similar. It's nothing predictable, and all that is pushing me is some kind deep instinctive urge. But I'd say there is something in the air. Something is coming into phase.

I'd love to get any comments -- and of course Ani wants to open up the possibilities.

Take a deep breath. What is moving for you?

This CEN thingamajig web system seems to be full of life -- and the resonance of Conscious Evolution is still radiating throughout the world.

Maybe something new wants to get born here. My guess is -- it does.

- Bruce Schuman

Programmer/developer of CEN

--- On Tue, Jun 23, 2020, in msg276610, Ani Ahavah wrote ---

Beloved Community, This is an intimate moment of reckoning as a "Conscious Evolution Network."

This is the moment for which we came to Earth; for which we have been prepared; for which we have been waiting, and for which I came to Santa Barbara in 2004 to work with Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Conscious Evolution Community. Our current dangerous breakdowns are inviting us to serve humanity's evolution at this Great Moment of Crisis. I still sense that Santa Barbara could be a birthplace of a new humanity, cradled between the mountains and the ocean.

"When a complex system is far from equilibrium, small Islands Of Coherence on the periphery of a Sea in Chaos, can cause the entire living system to JUMP and repattern at a higher order." We, as a small collective "fluctuation," with other small collective fluctuations around the globe, can turn the tide of the ecological tsunami coming our way. Through consciously evolving, within and without, we can fulfill our heart's desire and Nature's mandate for evolving our local and planetary human service systems throughout the world.

This first post is intended to "STIR our Collective Pot, and invite YOUR juicy ingredients.

I SO want to hear from YOU on this forum/Island of Coherence, Bruce Schuman has provided us evolutionaries.

Interbeing with You, Ani Ahavah
