Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara

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From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 11:55 AM
Subject: Conscious Evolution Network EMERGING
Reply to: 276612
ID: 276613

I just have to add my voice to this choir!

Bonnie Kelley and I were just talking about the 'purpose' of the SBCE community that we hammered out for almost a year around the turn of the millenium: TO BE A HABITAT FOR CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION.

And look what else I found by clicking the 'About Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara' link below:

Imagine that you are entering the resonant field
that we have built together with our common intention to evolve.
Let us extend our field through the Internet circulatory system,
to activate, energize, and anchor the one body of humanity.

Thanks for initiating this, Ani, and Bruce, for the deep dedication and everyone, for sharing all the 'world weaving' links... so it is!

Doing my best to re-member our shared purpose... (and sing the notes of my life with resonant vibrato:-)

Much love, Jeanie