Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Sunday, July 5, 2020, 1:43 PM
Subject: Awesome Invocation - White Lion Trust
ID: 276624

Just came off the Ubiquity University "Humanity Rising" online (Zoom and other media) seminar.

This one was again stunning. The session featured Linda Tucker of the White Lion Trust -- who is nothing less than an absolutely awesome person.

The recording of the session has not yet been posted. When it is, I will list it here. My own reaction to it was -- this is the power channel that can bring the energies of human civilization into alignment for our collective survival and well-being into the remainder of this century. Linda Tucker is a successful activist, was a successful businesswoman, is a profoundly authentic and powerful spiritual leader and force of nature -- and I think she is also a member of Parliament in South Africa (I will check on that).

If you have an alternative -- Ani and I and other Conscious Evolutionaries would love to hear about it, and we can co-create our own interpretations.

All the Humanity Rising sessions are being posted on YouTube, at the URL

This notion of "summit" is expanding in popularity -- but this guy Jim Garrison who is president of Ubiquity University is great. He is absolutely steady and stable, he shows up every single day at exactly the scheduled time, and he acts and speaks with deep integrity and informed gracious wisdom. He is pulling together people from all across the spectrum. A few days ago we had evolutionary biologist Elisabet Sahtouris, whom many of you will remember from her time here in Santa Barbara. Just before Elisabet, we had Jean Houston, who was amazing and brilliant and very entertaining.

Check it out. I'm glad I got this link into my bookmarks. There is SO much to keep track of these days -- but this is a great one.