Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Monday, November 2, 2020, 1:21 PM
Subject: Nice inexpensive room available
ID: 276629

I have a nice one-bedroom apartment, where I've been living for many years. The rent is too high for one person -- so I've been fixing up the bedroom for some special roommate.

This is really a very good deal. It's a big bedroom -- and we actually did list it on CraigsList -- you can see it here:

We listed it for $900, and I've had a few calls. For a Conscious Evolution person I would take this down to $750.

If this looks interesting -- something that might work for you -- please let me know immediately -- because I am looking at another opportunity, where I have to make a decision very soon.

This is the best apartment in this fairly basic but very solid and safe and together building. Not fancy -- but good utilities -- and this deal comes with high-end internet and good Cox Cable -- see details on Craigslist.

A good compatible roommate would be a great choice.

Many of you know me -- Bruce Schuman -- the guy who built and maintained this "CEN network" starting about 1998 and running it ever since.

If this looks interesting, get on the phone -- as soon as possible -- today if you can do it. This frog has to jump. If you need a strong safe comfortable place to live right now, and you need to keep the price down, this could be perfect for you. Make the call.

805 705-9174 --
